Thursday 9 February 2012

Harry thinks about the situation in Syria

My blog is about Syria: Homes under 'heaviest' shelling yet People say tanks are on the streets, and pro-government militias are murdering civilians in their homes.
On Tuesday, President Bashar al-Assad had promised to end the violence.
The US says it has run out of tools it can use to stop the killings in Homs, after Russia and China blocked a UN Security Council resolution last week.
A White House official told the BBC it was unrealistic to expect anything could be done to stop the violence in the short term, but that the US still hoped a political solution was possible.

I think this news story relates to a bible story which is the romans killing people and more and more people and they amied for civilians mainly. 

Kathryn considers Charles Dickens

Did Charles Dickens really help children? I believe that he really did help children  clear out the slums because I think he felt sorry for the children working  the slums because every who was poor got treated as slaves and the people who where rich just took one look at the and turned away.

This makes me look at Charles dickens as Jesus and then the children as the paralyzed man because Charles dickens tried his hardest to make life better for them and help them out because nobody likes to be treated at a slave.

Wednesday 1 February 2012

George thinks about terrorism

London Stock Exchange bomb plot 

Four men from London and Cardiff have been convicted of the bomb plot in the London Exchange/Five other men have been pled Guilty and the men are all British nationals. And the terrorists met because of a membership of various radical groups and all four men had been inspired by al-Qaeda. The men wanted to send five mail bombs during the run up to Christmas in 2010.     

The Destruction of the Plains Cities
There were five cities on the plains but the best known was Sodom. Abrahams cousin Lot, tries to save the angel. At the gates of the city the terrorists are threatening to break them down if they don’t let them in if they don’t let them in they will not only break down the gates they will break down the cities to the ground. The terrorists we not let in so they kept to there word and broke their way in and also picked up rocks and hit their way through the people also hitting Abrahams cousin Lot when they finally got to the center of the city the angel that lot had helped to heal burst through with its angelic powers and drags Lot and his family safely out of the city before the terrorists had destroyed the city. And This is related to the Bomb Plot against London’s Stock exchange because the four men were caught before London’s mail could be blown up which is why people were saved just like when the angel saved Lots Family.

Tuesday 31 January 2012

Another George and a new story - Stephen Lawrence

Hi guys!
I’m going to talk to you about the murder of Stephen Lawrence.
 His murderers Gary Dobson and David Norris were sentenced to 15 years and 14 years behind bars. The trial started on the 3rd January 2012.
The judge said it was a horrific racial murder like he’d not seen before.
His family said he was an ordinary guy but two people thought that it was “disgusting”
He lived in Eltham in South London before the racial attack. 
I think the bible story which relates to this would be Cain and abel as this goes on a similar storyline as this murder.
Cain murdered his brother,Abel because GOD didn’t accept his offerings. That way is similar to what we have here.
Luckily both people wont be seen again for a long time yet.

Another George, same cruise ship!

The Cruise ship Costa Concordia grounded on the coast after the fault of the captain getting to close to shores of Giglio. After running aground Italian naval divers exploded holes in the hull of the ship to make it sink.

21 people are still missing and 11 people are dead, 4,200 people were onboard, the captain was summoned to court and is charged with man slaughter. He also jumped  off the boat before any of the passengers did and the life boats weren’t lowered in time because the captain wasn’t onboard to give the orders to. This story is related to the biblical story of Noah’s arc. The story of Noah’s arc begins with God Telling him that there will be a huge flood across the world. Noah thought that he should build a big big boat which can fit all of the worlds animals into it, So Noah set to work on building his arc. It took him many months,day,and night to complete his arc but when he finished he was very proud of his work and God said you still have plenty of time to bring all of the worlds animals into your arc. So Noah attracted all of the worlds animals attention and they all came and filled up the arc, hense the song the animals came one by one. And eventually the storm came and the water lifted the boat off of the ground and to safety.

Thursday 26 January 2012

A different Will's reflections on the cruise ship

In our third form project we are all writing blogs and taking it in turn to publish them. This week we are choosing a news story and we will try and find a bible story that relates to it.

The news story I have chosen is all about the cruise ship crashing against a rock and sinking, it seemed an accident but apparently  the captain did it on purpose so that is called manslaughter. He was the first one off the ship and when he got off the ship and when he went to shore the lifeguard told him to return to his ship and to help everybody off it to safety. After that 32 people have died and a further 22 are still missing. So the captain’s punishment is prison and awaiting a trial, but he said that he didn’t do it, but I believe him that he didn’t do it on purpose but I think it was a bit cowardly leaving the ship and not helping his crew or his guests.

The bible story that is relevant to my newspaper story is the story of Noah and the whale, firstly Noah did something very bad and decided to flee to a ship and to go away, when he got on the ship in the sea there was a storm and the crew realized the this was all to do with Noah doing something bad so they tossed him into the sea, and it stopped then a few seconds later a whale came and swallowed it up. When Noah was in the whale he prayed to god and he confessed to god and then the whale spat him out onto the land! Then  he kept to his word and fixed everything!

Wednesday 25 January 2012

Will's thoughts on the Costa Concordia

The news story that I have chosen is about the captain who caused a cruise ship to collapse. The boat was called the costa Concordia and there were 4,200 on board the ship and so far 16 people are still missing and 16 people have been found dead. The captain was called mr.schettino.

HE is trouble because he left ship before everyone else got of the ship; but he said that he got back on the ship afterwards so now after the ship capsized he is being charged for man slaughter.

           I think this is like the bible story Noah’s ark.  I think this because in Noah’s Ark, the ship was carrying lots of animals and in the other case the ship was carrying lots of people and in both stories the main thing was all to do with one person and they both also involve people dying. They also both involved a ship because in the Noah’s ark story they used Noah’s ship but the other story they used the costa Concordia, but a difference in the two stories is that in Noah’s ark all the people on board the ship lived but in the other story not all the other story lived because 16 people have been found dead.